

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Cleo and the rabbit

Today we had a death at Poukawa School. An innocent baby rabbit was foolish enough to be spotted by a ferocious predator - Cleo the school cat.

As I was walking to my class room I noticed Cleo running down the hall way with something in his mouth. When I looked closely I saw it was a baby rabbit. As I got nearer Cleo dropped it on the ground and I picked it up.

It was still alive, but only just.

As I held the rabbit it died.
I felt really sad.

Cleo can be cute but he can be a killer!


  1. Oh Jesse, that's so sad. You have described what happened and how you felt really well. I wonder what you did with the rabbit after it died? Blog back to let me know.

  2. Great use of personal voice Jesse. I can feel the emotion in your words. I love the statement "It was still alive, but only just." You just know what happens next don't you. Well done.

  3. The poor Bunny, Cleo can be a killer Jesse.

  4. Those evil eyes of Cleo's will look deep into your soul and destroy it.

  5. good adjectives and descriptive language making cleo turn from house cat to predator.
