Last week in room 4 we did some Maori art on the laptop and made it into something like this. The topic that we had to do was 'The Lost Tanewha'.
We had to use Maori things but not pictures plus we had to have a Tanewha in it. As you can see, the person that did this picture put in two tanewha.
As the days went by, peoples' art started coming to meet the criteria we were given.
Here are some of them.
This one is different it has got a British flag and a boat the boats name is called the HMS Victory. Also as you can see there is a Maori flag, a mere (club) and tiha (spear) and a meeting house, also a waka and a tanewha .
This one has a plane, a meeting house, two tanewha and a lizard and a warrier.
I think we all did a great job and we met the criteria.